Blacon Community store

Needs your help to donate as little as £5 to help make a difference to lives of local people during these challenging times…
Their aim is to improve the health and general wellbeing of residents…
There are currently 100 registered members but with an ever growing waiting list, additional funding is needed to ensure the food store can increase capacity and provide food for more local residents. The food store works closely with a number of local supermarkets that donate food that is near its sell by date, but still fresh enough to eat.
The service works on a membership scheme whereby members pay £4 and will receive around £15 worth of food, including fruit, vegetables, fresh and frozen goods. If any food is left over at the end of the day, the volunteers leave the food outside for non-members to take if they need it.
The food store is calling for the help of more volunteers and monetary support in order to continue to make a difference to the lives of local people and ensure they do not go hungry this Christmas.
How can you help?

Donate cash, as little as £5 will make a difference or give your time to help the team sort through the donations and support members. Click here to become a volunteer.

Thank you

With the support from the Steve Morgan Foundation our creative team at Healthbox CIC have created a campaign to encourage any cash donations to help support the Blacon Community Store. We would like to say thank you to all the volunteers who help to support the community.